Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year is the time we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the coming year...

It's a time to forget those memories of a year past that are no longer useful or worth worrying about. It's a time for new beginnings, new ideas and new challenges. We should let go of the past, the mistakes, the bad memories and simply accept what has happened. Sadly, you cannot turn back time and do things differently.

New year is the time to celebrate your life and your achievements and to make new beginnings, develop new ideas and accept new challenges. It is time for a fresh start and to do things that would make a real difference. A time to change your life, to change someone else's life or just make someone's life little better. Make a pledge to do something to make a difference to your own life and to make a difference to least one other person. You will see the difference it can make.

The essential message of New Year is let go of the past and embrace and celebrate life as it comes to you.


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