Monday, July 19, 2010

We can do anything, well almost anything, if we are prepared to work at it...

After ten years here in Leeds I am fed up with people telling me it can't be done because it can and it is and it will continue to be by those colleagues who are passionate, committed and believe. The answer to achieving outstanding outcomes is determination, persistence and hard work. The challenge as always is are you disciplined enough and focused enough to make things happen. Whether its stopping smoking, losing weight, learning a new skill, a new language or even starting your own business as always it's up to you!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

"The principal goal of education... should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things... men and women who are creative, inventive, and discoverers." Jean Piaget

Life is never ever dull in Leeds, and the last year has once again showed us the outstanding practice, the incredible young people, and the inspirational colleagues that exist in this amazing city. Change is happening wherever we look at a frightening pace, and all of the organisations we currently know and understand are being completely reinvented as I write. We need to work within the opportunities this presents to build a new schools and learning system for this new world. A learning system to equip our little learners with the skills they need to be successful bigger learners and to be successful in a world that is changing beyond recognition. A learning system where every little learner is a reader, write and counter by seven or eight, a powerful little learner by the time they leave primary school and on a pathway to success by the time they leave secondary school. We need to continue to build brilliant learning places with the team around the school supporting the team around the child and the family at the heart of our communities, with strong local engagement and powerful and committed governance. We need to nurture talent, creativity and imagination wherever we can find it, and we need to share and network the things that work and stop doing those that don’t!

We must continue to build brilliant and never settle for satisfactory when what we do can be outstanding. OK, satisfactory is easy, predictable and anyone can do it... well almost anyone! At the start of yet another great year in Leeds, my last, let’s agree that we will never settle for things that are just good enough when with a bit of energy and effort we can be outstanding. We must all set new goals and to strive, work and struggle, each and every day, to be extraordinary, to be outstanding and to be brilliant… whatever it takes!

Friday, July 02, 2010

After lunch I visited another great school in South Leeds...

I had been invited to Cross Flatts Park Primary Schools' 'Party on the Park' which celebrated another great year of working together for the success of the community the school serves so well and the launch of their work to achieve the Stephen Lawrence Education Standard. It was really wonderful to share in their celebrations and to listen to the children singing 'You can get it if you really want', 'Fly the Flag' the World Cup anthem and 'Something Inside So Strong'.

"The higher you build your barriers
The taller I become
The farther you take my rights away
The faster I will run
You can deny me
You can decide to turn your face away
No matter, cos there's....

Something inside so strong
I know that I can make it
Tho' you're doing me wrong, so wrong
You thought that my pride was gone
Oh no, something inside so strong
Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong

The more you refuse to hear my voice
The louder I will sing
You hide behind walls of Jericho
Your lies will come tumbling
Deny my place in time
You squander wealth that's mine
My light will shine so brightly
It will blind you
Cos there's......

Something inside so strong
I know that I can make it
Tho' you're doing me wrong, so wrong
You thought that my pride was gone
Oh no, something inside so strong
Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong."
It was great to see the enthusiasm and energy, the passion and commitment and the difference these colleagues are making working with families and the community.
I started the day at one of my favourite schools...

My colleague Narinder Gill, headteacher at Hunslet Moor Primary School, had invited me to their special assembly focusing on sustainability and global issues linked to our Green Day celebrations last week. The school's Eco Council gave me a recycled bag full of goodies which had the following message on the front...
Taking Small Steps to Greater Things
We should live our lives on this planet by
following the secret to making perfect footprints in sand...
Tread lightly, taking every step with care,
leave your imprint without any lasting damage.

The assembly was brilliant the choir sang a Joni Mitchell song, we had an amazing 'recycle, reuse and renew' scrap fashion show and everyone sang the world cup anthem 'Fly your Flag' which was fantastic. This is a great school and the assembly simply showed the potential, the magic and what a great job the team at Hunslet Moor are doing in their community. The children gave me this fabulous picture which I now have hanging on the wall in my room with its' message that 'education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

There is a growing body of evidence that as we face this perfect storm, where nothing seems to provide comfort and reassurance about the future, colleagues are becoming increasingly frustrated...

However, it may be reassuring to know that we are not alone! A recent Hay Group study found that nearly 60% of people were seriously considering leaving or actively looking for new jobs. Worse still, a further 35% said they were only holding off because there weren't any jobs to go to! I have discussed this with colleagues and the question is how do we manage in such uncertain times?

These are some of the suggestions colleagues have come up with:

Have we got a “lean enough and mean enough” structure to survive after the storm? Are are obsessive about reducing hierarchy, simplifying decision making, and shortening lines of communication? Can we generate a list of unnecessary things that are getting in our way, and then work on removing them. Send me your list and I'll show you mine!

How do we make sure that all our work places are great places to work and places where talented people want to work? How do we improve and develop the workplace and show some more interest in people as people? Send me your list and I'll show you mine!

Are our systems, processes and procedures beautiful: clear, efficient and elegant so that they support our culture and our work? Can you think of ways to make things better, or make the work more interesting? Send me your list and I'll show you mine!

How do we exploit the latest IT and web-based solutions to deliver our services more efficiently and more effectively to provide a more intimate and personalised service to our customers and clients? Send me your list and I'll show you mine!

How do we reward and recognise colleagues contributions to ensure that people feel part of something special and they are appreciated for their unique added value? Send me your list and I'll show you mine!

What are your suggestions and additions to this starter for five?
We face a real challenge as we all wrestle with the perfect storm we are facing...

What we all need at a time like this is something to believe in; something we can trust about the future, something we can put our faith in as we build the new arrangements for children's services here in Leeds. The real danger is that increasingly colleagues start to believe that things are going to get worse and that all the things that have improved and developed over the last nine and a bit years start to slip away. We all know that the real danger lies in the challenge we face with managing the budget while the new Government frees up schools and rapidly increases the number of Academies but we need to remember that there are as always opportunities for talented, creative colleagues. Always remember that the best way to predict the future is to invent it for yourself!

Leadership Matters!

In this crazy topsy turvy world where everything is up for debate and everything is changing while we speak we all know that we need strong, decisive and passionate leadership...

However, there are times when we need different and sometimes contradictory approaches to leadership. Sometimes as leaders we need to be the cleverest person on the block: having a clear vision, being totally focused and determined, setting the direction, knowing what skills are needed to accomplish our goals, having the best financial mind to manage the resourcess of the company. Sometimes as leaders we need to adopt a command and control approach: being decisive, determined and simply getting on with things. And importantly, sometimes as leaders we need to be more reflective, to let others have their way, to create time for reflection and to allow for creative and imaginative approaches to ensure that everyone comes with us on this journey to a better place.