We must continue to develop a clear shared vision and a 'can do' anything attitude. We must be proud, hopeful, positive and optimistic. We must nurture innovation, creativity and be constantly curious. We must be resilient in the face of the difficulties and setbacks we currently face and dig deep to ensure that while we are passionate, totally focused, determined, persistent and energetic. We don't need to work harder to build brilliant. We need to work smarter and better as a team. We need to communicate more, talk and listen more and most importantly we need to continue to think team. Let's also ensure that we continue to spend time together using the Annual Lecture, the ‘Evolve’, Harnessing Technology event and the Christmas Party as ways of celebrating the best of Leeds.
Education Leeds and RM would like to invite you to our first ‘Evolve’, Harnessing Technology event on 10th December 2009 at The Queen’s Hotel in Leeds City Centre to carry on the conversation; to release more butterflies and to build brilliant. This event is FREE, but places are limited so make sure you register as soon as possible. To find out more information about the event and to register your place, please visit http://evolve.leedsschools.org. And finally never doubt that a small group of talented, thoughtful and committed people can change the world… we are and we will continue to… because what we do is create magic, release potential and build the future.
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