Saturday, November 14, 2009

We have had an interesting and somewhat challenging start to the new academic year and I fully understand the pressures colleagues are facing across the company...

However tough the going gets we need to stay positive and optimistic, and critically, we need to support colleagues across the company who may be feeling uncertain during this period of significant change. We must never doubt that the work that we are doing is important and makes a difference. I know that it’s a very tough journey but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't a train coming the other way!

As a team, we have achieved so much together over the years and made such a difference. We are ultimately responsible for the health, the well-being and successes of all the young people who live here in Leeds and our legacy is the real difference we are making every day, every week, every term and every year and don't let anyone tell you anything different.

I know that you are all working hard to respond to the increased pressures and the wicked issues. I appreciate the efforts that each of you have made and are continuing to make to manage budget and staffing resources more effectively against our priorities. Unfortunately, the budget is one particular wicked issue that won't go away, but this just means that we have to be even more creative and innovative to continue to deliver what matters most.

The council's review of the children's trust arrangements is an opportunity to examine the structures and systems that support the work we are doing. Please take time to reassure colleagues that whatever the outcome of the review, the core purpose that we are all engaged in - improving outcomes for children and young people - remains a priority for Leeds.

The inspection is another opportunity for us to demonstrate that we know what needs to be done to improve outcomes for our children and young people; and more importantly, that we can deliver. With our knowledge, expertise and strong track record in working through inspections we are in a good position to support our colleagues across the children's services partnership at this time. Thank you to all the colleagues who are already leading key pieces of work for the inspection.

Remember, as leaders we all need to 'Keep Calm and Carry On' and demonstrate the confidence and sense of purpose that marks Education Leeds out as a strong, dynamic learning organisation. This will take us through the next few weeks when the inspectors arrive in Leeds. We must continue to have a clear shared vision and a 'can do' attitude. We must be proud, hopeful, positive and optimistic. We must nurture innovation, creativity and be constantly curious. In these trying times we must be totally committed to our colleagues; recognising, celebrating and developing our strengths, while understanding and supporting our weaknesses and mistakes. We must be resilient in the face of the difficulties and setbacks we currently face and dig deep to ensure that while we are passionate, totally focused, determined, persistent and energetic, we work hard to make sure that we all enjoy what we are doing and wherever possible have fun together.

We don't need to work harder to build brilliant. We need to work smarter and better as a team. We need to communicate more, talk and listen more and most importantly we need to continue to think team. Let's also ensure that we have fun together using Children In Need, the Annual Lecture and the Christmas Party as ways of celebrating the best of Leeds.... see you there!
Keep the faith!

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