Friday, July 02, 2010

I started the day at one of my favourite schools...

My colleague Narinder Gill, headteacher at Hunslet Moor Primary School, had invited me to their special assembly focusing on sustainability and global issues linked to our Green Day celebrations last week. The school's Eco Council gave me a recycled bag full of goodies which had the following message on the front...
Taking Small Steps to Greater Things
We should live our lives on this planet by
following the secret to making perfect footprints in sand...
Tread lightly, taking every step with care,
leave your imprint without any lasting damage.

The assembly was brilliant the choir sang a Joni Mitchell song, we had an amazing 'recycle, reuse and renew' scrap fashion show and everyone sang the world cup anthem 'Fly your Flag' which was fantastic. This is a great school and the assembly simply showed the potential, the magic and what a great job the team at Hunslet Moor are doing in their community. The children gave me this fabulous picture which I now have hanging on the wall in my room with its' message that 'education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'.

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