Sunday, September 26, 2010

People constantly tell me that exercise is the best way to lose weight and I am increasingly worried about predictions that 50 per cent of our children will be overweight or obese adults by 2030...

Everything I have read recently suggests that exercise as a means of losing weight has been exaggerated and that putting the emphasis on exercise means that we are unlikely to tackle obesity. I know that exercise releases endorphins, reduces depression, and has a major impact on heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, and dementia and it is obvious that we live longer and healthier when we exercise. The truth, I am told, is that other than stopping smoking, there is nothing you can do for yourself that is better than exercise or is there! Isn't it true that we are what we eat!

Please let me know what you think!


Mike Chitty said...

Got to stop thinking about single solutions Chris. Exercise, yes, diet yes...

However we really need to think through how the environment we have created promotes obesity. We build environments that build obesity. Availability of snacks, lifts, escalators.

And don't start me on the passive roles that we put learners into in the classroom....

Chris Edwards said...

HI Mike,
Great to hear from you and to get your unique perspective on the issue. You're right that we need more holistic solutions.