Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My colleague Pat Toner, Director of Organisational Improvement here at Education Leeds sent me this bit of good sense this morning...

"Colleagues, I offer this from recent NHS material on leading and managing radical change. The first and most fundamental change for everyone involved (throughout the whole workforce) is to start thinking in terms of creating a 'new' organisation, even though it's migrating from an existing one. The focus of leaders needs to be on creating and sustaining commitment and trust, as this will take the organisation through the current challenges towards a new environment. In addition, we ought to consider the implementation of a set of management codes designed to promote commitment and trust and linking this with performance and productivity.Whilst this scenario involves the complete organisation, the same principles can be applied by individual line managers faced with making change within their own area of control. Other suggestions include:
  • Help the organisation to be clear about its purpose;
  • Identify the beliefs and values that the new organisation wishes to put into practice, and this will become the cultural foundations within which managers and staff will be expected to behave;
  • Identify the architecture that will help promote the values and beliefs (let's hope they include commitment, trust and engagement),
  • Look at the 'rules' of how the organisation is meant to work (ensure the 'rules' promote commitment and trust),
  • Identify the levels of skill needed to implement the 'rules' and embark on training programmes.

I hope this is helpful, Pat"

When faced with the scale and complexity of the changes we are facing in local government it is good to be reminded that culture, values, beliefs, commitment and trust must drive the change you want to see in the world!


Mike Chitty said...

And what happens when those things, drive, commitment, culture, values etc are undermined by the policy framework laid down for you by the State. Do you hold to your values and perish or compromise in order to keep paying the mortgage. I see the latter happening all the time in education, health, local government and the private sector.
The hard bit is to have the courage to stick to your convictions to retain your ideals and refuse to compromise your professional and personal integrity in order to pay the mortgage.

One of the worst things we can do is to promise values based leadership and then put people into a context where those values are frequently compromised by national policy.

Be good to get some Education Leeds engagement in Leeds Innovation Lab. What do you think?


Chris Edwards said...

Hi Mike, Education Leeds is a values based organisation perhaps because it is one step removed from the Council. We always base our decisions on our professional and personal integrity and will always put the needs of young people first. I agree that it would be good to talk to you about the Leeds Innovation Lab.