Friday, July 31, 2009

When you hear the word ordinary, when you are talking about a child, a colleague, a friend, an athlete, a dancer, a school, a place or anything else, what do you think?

You probably think of words such as average, dull, boring, plain, common, and every day. You're probably not thinking of examples—ordinary people and ordinary places don't stand out and simply aren't that important or that memorable. Now what you think of when you hear the word extraordinary. Are words such as amazing, wonderful, talented, gorgeous, outstanding and brilliant coming to mind? We almost always think of a particular individual or a particular place that fits the description: a hero, a partner, a child, a friend, a great school, a great restaurant, an incredible footballer, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, a great poet, or your favourite place.

Many people believe that if you are an ordinary person with an ordinary job, you have no hope of ever achieving success or doing something extraordinary: something that really makes a difference. This is not true. You are a unique and extraordinary individual with incredible potential and the difference between being ordinary or being extraordinary is not skill, the difference is attitude!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It has taken me a long time to discover the fact but I now know that self-discipline will allow me to be successful in anything I want to achieve and believe I can achieve...

The problem we face is that wherever you look so many people have hardly any self-discipline. Sad really because using self-discipline you can make all your dreams come true! If you set a goal you simply need to stay focused, keep disciplined, trust your instincts and never let anyone tell you that your dreams are unattainable. Discipline and success go hand in hand; it is the formula which will help you to achieve your goals.
It doesn’t really matter what approach we take, honesty, respect and discipline are needed to ensure success in everything we do...

Remember that this is a team game and we’ve all seen new colleagues and old ones who simply try too hard. We must carefully listen and build trust, respect and understanding.

Remember that relationships take time to develop, and we must allow and support everyone so that they grow into an effective team member and team player.

Remember that nothing can be learned through talking. Asking questions and listening should represent 80% of our interactions with colleagues.

Remember that respect is always earned over time and by example.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

The great teams I know are obsessed with getting things done...

They have the vision, the ambition, the aspiration, the dreams, but they also know how to deliver brilliant outcomes. Without action and execution, dreams can only take you so far. This is true of any great team, whether it's a non-executive board, a city council, a school or an orchestra or band.

What's remarkable is you don't hear of orchestras, musicians or artists burning out from the pressure, overwork or stress. They love what they do and they thrive on the pressure, in good or bad times; teams of people who have dreams and a love of performing and getting things done.

This dream plus action approach is what we need from our teams, large and small; in our business and in our schools.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

After another interesting week, I realise once again that Education Leeds is our organization to make work and it’s not “them” that’s the problem; if there is one, it's us. I adapted this from some materials I read by Tom Peters...

  • This is a team game and we must all be team players.
  • We should dump the power and the control freaks.
  • We should share everything on the web.
  • We must develop openness and transparency so that everything is available to everyone.
  • “Integrated joined up solutions” should underpin our culture.
  • We should only partner with the “best”.
  • Remember all schools are created equal and all schools contribute equally!
  • Remember professionalism and excellence are the watchwords.
  • We must all invest in re-wiring our organisations.
  • We must all live the Leeds Brand.
  • We must become fans of co-operation and partnership.
  • We must all use the words “partner”, "team", "we" and "us".
  • We should obsessively seek inclusion.
  • Buttons & Badges & T-shirts matter.
  • We must work on team identity and solidarity.
  • We must develop rewards and incentives.
  • Losing, like winning, is a team affair.
  • Blame is not part of our culture.
  • Every member of our team matters.
  • We need to nurture “Wow Projects”, large or small that demand by definition excellence.
  • We must unearth and reward cooperation and partnership working.
  • People want the opportunity to do something memorable.
  • Colleagues who shine in the working together bit should be rewarded.
  • To improve and develop our new culture little teams should be formed on the spot to deal with urgent issues.
  • We must make it normal to be “working together.”
  • Project “management” experience should become as natural as breathing;
  • Everything we do should be about pursuing and developing excellence.
  • We must pick partners based on their ability to co-operate and work in partnership.
  • We must talk partnership and value-added at every opportunity.

I would as always welcome your comments and feedback.
